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Government Legal Services Strategy | Te Rautaki Ratonga Ā-Ture A Te Kāwanatanga
This is the first strategy to look at how the Government Legal Network (GLN) can enhance the delivery of legal services to the government.
It sets out the direction of travel for the delivery of legal services by the GLN to government for the next five years, establishing the important areas of focus to ensure we deliver effective services. Work in the past decade has developed the network of government lawyers into the GLN we have today. This strategy identifies key areas of focus to further develop the services, and the capability of the GLN to deliver them.
It is our blueprint for the next five years.
Crown Law and Ministry of Justice Companion Long-Term Insights Briefings 2025
Under the Public Service Act 2020, chief executives of government departments are required to publish a Long-Term Insights Briefing (LTIB) at least once every three years. They are not government policy but rather are intended to help us think about the future, to develop and share insights on the trends, risks and opportunities that affect, or may affect, Aotearoa New Zealand and what will matter most for the long-term wellbeing of New Zealanders.
For its second LTIB, Crown Law is producing a companion briefing, alongside the Ministry of Justice on the proposed topic The Future of Courts and Justice Services. The Ministry of Justice’s over-arching companion briefing will look at the big changes that will shape the future of courts and justice services, like new technology, changes in society, and what people expect from the justice system. Crown Law’s companion briefing will be informed by experience as a participant in court processes but will focus on matters relating to the overall democratic and constitutional settings of our justice system.
Consultation on the topic has now closed but you can see the discussion document here.
In late June 2025, once the draft briefing has been prepared, there will be a chance to share your thoughts on it. The final briefings will be presented to Parliament in September 2025 and will be made available to the public.
If you have any questions through the development of the LTIB, you can contact the LTIB project team at LTIB@justice.govt.nz
For more information about the overall LTIB process, please visit LTIB guidance on the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) website.
Mana Ōrite agreement
During 2019 and 2020 the Ināia Tonu Nei kaitiaki worked together with the Justice Sector Leadership Board (JSLB) to develop a Mana Ōrite agreement. A Mana Ōrite relationship agreement was signed in April 2021 between the Ināia Tonu Nei kaitiaki and the following justice sector chief executives (JSLB) of the:
- Ministry of Justice
- Ara Poutama Aotearoa
- New Zealand Police
- Oranga Tamariki
- Serious Fraud Office
- Crown Law Office
Mana Ōrite Relationship Agreement. Published: August 19, 2021
For more information on Ināia Tonu Nei visit their website: www.inaiatonunei.nz